If you knew that tomorrow was your last day on Earth, would you live life differently?
Welcome to the first episode of the Love Notes for Life podcast, an extension of my book Love Notes for Life: The Art of Navigating the Wilderness of Life. In this episode, I explore the value of pivot points and how these course correcting moments can provide clarity and purpose. In addition, pivot points can often start as a kernel of an idea which eventually blossoms into a recurring pattern for nurturing our needs. Furthermore, I discuss the value of creativity in developing awareness for excellence and fulfillment. Regardless of our discipline, creativity allows us to remix the source material to improve our present circumstances.
Love Notes for Life is now available!
Hardcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095805
Softcover: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w?ean=9798987095812
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