Today’s episode is a special one and I’m ready to bring the cheese. In the spirit of the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, I discuss the importance of defining love and commitment. I give a little back story on the love note that inspired Love Notes for Life and how it helped me discover what love really meant to me. Furthermore, I talk about how choosing to pursue your dreams first before settling down isn’t about neglecting a normal life, but rather reframing the idea of delayed gratification. Choosing to pursue your dreams inevitably comes with a price and through patience you’ll eventually gain everything you desire and more. Lastly, I somehow weave the idea of job applications, self-improvement, and love. Sounds strange, but trust me, you’re going to love the analogy. Well, maybe some of you (forgive me), but nevertheless it was a fun idea to explore. Any who, Happy Pre-Valentine’s Day everyone and remember, there is beauty in knowing that there is only one of you. Take care.
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After a perfect storm, the sun will shine again, and defining a meaningful life becomes more apparent. Purpose can emerge from a perfect storm, a collection of the right combination of skills and experiences drawn over time. It is like finally finding all the right keys to unlock a treasure chest to your true calling. It doesn’t happen overnight, but only by trusting the process will you find clarity. Please join me in today’s episode as we explore how experience, skills, and interest over time will guide you toward creating a purposeful life.
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In today's episode, I explore the complexity of introversion and how social anxiety affects our ability to connect with others. In addition, I discuss how an extrovert's direct approach to making friends may not be suitable for someone struggling with social anxiety and who experiences an unhealthy amount of stress from everyday social interactions. Furthermore, I share my childhood experiences with social anxiety, how our environments affect clarity, and our ability to identify essential life lessons. In addition, I talk about how social anxiety helped me master the art of independence, but it also temporarily inhibited my need for community. Thankfully, my desire to connect with others and become an integral part of society gave me the strength to conquer my social anxiety. Lastly, I provide exercises for managing social anxiety using a ladder-step approach. Everyone can become better communicators and gain the confidence to connect with others. Remember, you have the potential to amplify greatness through gratitude and become someone who can make a positive impact in the world.
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In today’s episode, I talk about dodging time vampires, dealing with distractions, and how our perception of time can be deceiving. If we're not careful, we can lose track of time and lose the momentum to create impact within our lives. Furthermore, I discuss techniques on generating time through making better choices with fewer options. Lastly, I share the value I gain from deliberate decompression and reserving time to do something so powerful and extraordinary called...nothing.
Generate excellence through experience and create time to do more of what you love.
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In today’s episode, we explore how wealth gives us the freedom to live intentionally and allows us to make better choices. In essence, with great wealth comes great responsibility. In addition, I share my thoughts on investing intentionally and what it means to be a modern gentleman. I discuss my support for Seattle’s professional women’s soccer team OL Reign and how Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’” is more relevant now than ever. Lastly, I highlight the role of currency and how it fundamentally shapes our environment, life experiences, and the well-being of others.
Bet on yourself, the people you truly care about, and the once-in a lifetime experiences that you can’t afford to lose.
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Have a little bit of faith that everything will work out in the end. To have faith is to hope that everything will be okay and to some, the idea of faith is just wishful thinking. However, what if faith was more than just hope? Faith is having a little bit of trust that with intentional effort, everything will work out in the end. In today's episode we break down the concept of faith and how we are all capable of creating happiness. I also share an insightful parable called the Drowning Man, that tells the story about a man who learns about faith the hard way. Lastly, we end the episode with box breathing, a technique I've started using regularly to create space for happiness and clarity.
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In today’s episode, we get comfy with hard truths. I explore the incredible wealth of starting resolutions before the New Year’s and the value of creating progress in the present. In addition, I talk about my fitness journey and how I managed to combat obesity and drop weight from 240 to 150 pounds due to a series of much needed wake-up calls. Lastly, I talk about how motivation initiates progress and how unconditional love fuels discipline and consistency. I discuss how motivation can be fleeting at times and attacking goals without depending on expectations is essential. We’re finally on the home stretch of 2022 and I can’t wait to witness your growth in the coming year. So, let’s start the pre-game with our goals, establish your North Star, and have a powerful start to 2023. Inspire me through your greatness. Your time for greatness is now.
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If you knew that tomorrow was your last day on Earth, would you live life differently?
Welcome to the first episode of the Love Notes for Life podcast, an extension of my book Love Notes for Life: The Art of Navigating the Wilderness of Life. In this episode, I explore the value of pivot points and how these course correcting moments can provide clarity and purpose. In addition, pivot points can often start as a kernel of an idea which eventually blossoms into a recurring pattern for nurturing our needs. Furthermore, I discuss the value of creativity in developing awareness for excellence and fulfillment. Regardless of our discipline, creativity allows us to remix the source material to improve our present circumstances.
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